Segment Colours in WFP

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This is a quick overview of the main colours used to distinguish Wordfast Pro segments:

  • Green stands for exact (100%) matches retrieved from the TM. Yellow stands for fuzzy (less than 100%) matches retrieved from the TM. Grey stands not having any matches in the TM. White refers to segments not processed at all yet.[1]
  • Remember that you can lower the Fuzzy Match Threshold (Edit menu > Preferences > Translation Memory > Fuzzy Match Threshold > 40) to get more matches, if possible.[2]
  • When you edit a match in Wordfast Pro, it is colour changed to Pink to warn you that the translation has been changed but not committed to the TM yet. When you click Alt+Down, Alt+Q or Alt+End, the edited segment(s) colour will change into Purple to tell you that the committed to (stored in) the TM. Remember that Pink and Purple are session-related colours. So when you close and re-open your TXML file, you will notice that all the violet segment have become pink; there is no problem. You can continue translation or press Alt+End to retrieve the violet colour again.


  1. Watch this presentation to learn more about WF main concepts.
  2. See also: Your First Translation with Wordfast Pro