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+Tools (say "PlusTools") is:

  • A translation tool, designed as a possible replacement for Wordfast Classic.
  • A universal toolbox for translators: TM and glossary browser, viewer, editor, manager.
    Ground-breaking TM filters: Spot and remove redundant units, spot and remove faulty units, anonymize a TM, export to other formats, import.
    Alignment, and much more.

+Tools works directly on disk, making it capable of handling very large files > 2 Gbytes or > 10 million TUs.
Up to 5 files of any size can be opened simultaneously, with zero load time.

+Tools is currently a Windows application.
There are plans to create a Mac distribution. You can run it without an internet connection if you wish (this is not a cloud application).
+Tools is free in its beta version.

Documentation & download: https://www.wordfast.net/PlusTools/PlusTools_Documentation.html.

If you've read this far, here's a reward: +Tools as a CAT tool supports Chat GPT4o for free while in beta version, (no need to register & pay at www.openai.com), in addition to offering free regular MT for 20+languages.

Here is a +Tools screenshot, in "dark mode", showing a TM hosted on Wordfast Server (yes, +Tools open WFS TMs too).

Another screenshot, showing +Tools as a CAT tool, leveraging Chat GPT4o's three different types of speech (hey, it's a flashy option, you can go with a simple MT connection, or none, if you prefer).