Segments with a red frame Wordfast Classic

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When opening an already-segmented segment, where the contents of the target segment does not correspond 100% to the one in the TM, the target segment will be framed in red. This can occur if you translate a document, then manually edit typos in some target segments (without opening the segments with Wordfast Classic for edition - manually here means you directly edit the text in MS-Word). The red frame around the target segment indicates that the target text has been changed since the time the segment was originally written into the TM.

Here is a segment with a red frame.


Voici un segment encadré en rouge.

Pressing Ctrl+Alt+M and inspecting the target segment thus displayed against a gray background should bring up the difference. In the example below, the French "entouré" in the TM does not match "encadré" in the target segment. Committing the red-frame segment (moving out of it with Alt+Down or properly ending the session with Alt+End) will stamp the corrected version of the entire TU into the TM, and erase the existing TU which caused the red frame. When re-opening the segment, the red frame should be gone.

TM (100%) - 2016-03-14 11:23:18 by YC ~client: EU-DEP ~ domain: IT

Here is a segment with a red frame.

Voici un segment entouré en rouge.


Here is a segment with a red frame.


Voici un segment encadré en rouge.

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