General Wordfast Classic

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Note: some options must simply be checked or unchecked. Some options must receive a value (a number or some text). This is the case if the option has an equal (=) sign. In this case, press Enter on the option to create/edit/delete the value.

1.Fuzzy threshold=75

This is the minimum percentage for a fuzzy match to be considered fuzzy, and under which it will be considered unknown (or "no-match"). The default value is 75. Values can range from 50 to 99%. Values lower than 75 are not recommended, because you may receive very fuzzy propositions. Remember that the Ctrl+Alt+X shortcut deletes the contents of the target segment (the proposed translation) quickly and safely.

2.End of Segment Punctuation=. : ? ! ^t ^l

Choose the punctuations that end a sentence. Default values are strongly recommended. The default setting is . : ? ! ^t ^l where ^t means tabulator and ^l manual line break.

3.Target segment font=

Defines the font used for target segments. This is particularly useful when the target segment cannot use the same font as the source document, like translating from English to Russian, French to Greek, Italian to Hebrew, Chinese, etc.


These values will set up colours that will be applied to the segmented text, at validation time. These colours will be reset to the default ("Auto") colour at clean-up time. Whoops - If you started to translate with colours set, and realized after a few segments that you should not have used colours at all (as this is the case if the source text has colours that have to be preserved in the translated text), please note that, at clean-up time, Wordfast will reset the cleaned, target text to the "Auto" color, which appears black on most systems. In such a case, enter the parameter "LeaveColours" in Pandora's box to instruct Wordfast not to reset colours after clean-up.

5.Insert the following characters(s) after segment=

This option sets the characters, or short text, which can be added right after every segment. Note the following convention for specifying some special characters:

{space} for a space;
{tab} for a tabulator;
&'AA; any character where AA is the hexadecimal code of the character;

example: &'AB; for ANSI 171

� any character where 00 is the decimal code of the character;

example: « for ANSI 171

Unicode values are also accepted (ranging from 256 to 65535).

6.Protect delimiters

This option sets the strength of delimiter protection. Delimiter and segment/tags protection is strong inside an opened segment (a segment is opened when the source segment is visible against a light blue background and you type in the target segment) and weak outside an opened segment. The default level, on installation, is 3 (regular).

The regular level:

- Protects delimiters or tags from the Delete and Backspace keys. - Blocks the Return key inside the target segment. - Attempts to keep the cursor inside the target segment. - Causes Ctrl+A (Select all) to select all target segment rather than all document. - Protects tw4winInternal tags against most accidental deletions/editions.

The Low protection level:

- Protects delimiters or tags from the Delete and Backspace keys. - Blocks the Return key inside the target segment.

Level 3 is designed to help beginners by preventing most common accidents. Experienced users can use the low level. Note that Ctrl+Alt+F12 toggles protection between whatever level you have set (regular or low) and the “No protection” level for the segment you are currently working on. The protection you have set will resume at the next segment. Thus, Ctrl+Alt+F12 allows you to temporarily act on delimiters or tags, which would otherwise be protected or blocked. To permanently change a protection level, use the Wordfast User Interface.

7.User Interface Language=

This option can disable the localized User Interface (UI), so that the user can fall back on the original (English) UI. A localized UI is available if a wordfast.txt file is located in the same folder as, and contains a translated version of Wordfast's User Interface. A localized UI can be downloaded separately at any time from It is best downloaded and installed together with Wordfast, as a single package.


Will reset all settings to Wordfast's default values.

Reverse all

Reverses the Translation Memories (TM and BTM), as well as the glossaries, in one pass. Note that TMs and glossaries are reversed, keeping their own names: original files are rewritten. If you need to keep a version of those files before they are reversed, you must manually back them up.

Save setup as...

Saves the current setup to an INI file. Ini files are saved in the same folder as the folder where is located. This folder is usually Ms-Word’s startup folder (If you cannot locate your Ms-Word Startup folder, see the note on hidden folders). Using the browse... option lets you open an ini file anywhere, including network folders or floppy disks.

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