Wordfast Anywhere TMs and glossaries API

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Terms and conditions

Wordfast Anywhere API is REST and all methods are accessed via: https://anywhere.wordfast.com/wfa/api.
First of all you need to register to the free online Wordfast Anywhere application at http://anywhere.wordfast.com
The API will allow to connect any external application to Wordfast Anywhere TMs and glossaries.
A key is required for all the commands of the API.
The API key is generated by making a share of TMs and glossaries in Wordfast Anywhere.
The API usage is free but the number of keys is limited to 5.

Go to Wordfast Anywhere menu => Setup TM&Glo. Open the sharing dialog by Clicking on the Manage Sharing button => Add button for My shares to application.

Data formats

Passing Request Data

Request data is passed to the API by POSTing JSON objects to the API endpoints with the appropriate parameters. The documentation for each API call will contain more detail on the parameters accepted by the call.

As an alternative, you can also use HTTP POST parameters and even use the HTTP GET method, but usage of the GET method is discouraged.

Output Formats

We support 2 output formats: json (default) and text. The response data for each call will the be encoded in the specified format.

API calls

Command list:

Test the API calls
