Tools Wordfast Classic

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When starting Wordfast, if documents are already opened in Ms-Word, they will appear in the "Tools" tab documents' list. Otherwise (no document open in Ms-Word when you start Wordfast), the files present in the current folder are listed. Click the Folder "..." sign to change folder.

Clean-up deletes all segmentation marks and source segments from the selected files, leaving only the translated text. The TM is updated if the target segment has been manually edited after it was created. Manual edition means you edited the segment without actually opening it.

Note: the Quick-clean icon in the Wordfast toolbar will let you clean up a document much faster, but without updating the TM, and without producing a report.

Analyse gives an analysis of selected document(s) before translation, reporting the number of segments and words, with the match ratings of the segments in relation to the current TM.

If the document is already translated and segmented, Analyse will not be carried out.

The analysis report created after analysis details the following points:

ANALYSIS REPORT 16:48:49 11-22-2007
Scanned: document, footnotes, headers/footers, textboxes.
Match rate segments words char.  %
Repetitions 1 10 72 34%
100% 0 0 0 0%
95%-99% 0 0 0 0%
85%-94% 0 0 0 0%
75%-84% 0 0 0 0%
00%-74% 2 19 140 66%
Total 3 29 212
Note: The character count includes spaces.

Repetitions : this term refers to repetitions found within the document(s) that was/were analyzed (this does not concern the translation memory). For example, if a same sentence (segment) appears 3 times in the set of analyzed documents, the repetition counter will show 2 repetitions.

Match rate per percentage: this is a comparison made between the segments that are found in the documents and any source segment found in the translation memory that Wordfast deems analogous.

Segments reported in the "100%" category are not always perfectly identical. In that case, a 100% match is "considered" as such by Wordfast. Wordfast may have to overlook case differences, differences in quotes/apostrophes styles, and more important, differences in tags or numbers. Wordfast computes a sophisticated substitution of numbers, or tags, or quotes, or apostrophes, in order to justify its claims. When the substitution is not totally reliable, Wordfast makes every effort to detect the ambiguity, and presents the purported "exact match" against a yellow background to raise the translator's attention.

TM rules can be used so that Wordfast enforces a more strict definition of what a 100% match is.

Note that all character counts include spaces.

Translate will pre-translate the selected document(s), with the use of the current translation memory. Unknown (no-match) segments will be copied over the target segment if you specified "CopySourceWhenNoMatch" in Pandora's box. However, if a link with a machine translation program is activated (see MT), unknown segments will be machine translated. Once pre-translation is done, start a regular Wordfast session and translate your document(s) as usual. Work will be faster, because segmentation and matching have already been done. When cleaning up such a document, use the regular clean-up tool, and answer "yes" at the question "Update translation memory?".

Note: If this function is started over an empty document with either Excel, Access or PowerPoint running in the background, the Excel/Access/PowerPoint document will be translated. If this function is started with the MT settings activated, machine translation will be provided on unknown segments.

Note: if propagation must be active during the pretranslation of documents (using Wordfast's Translate tool), see the command "ToolsTranslateWithTR" in the Pandora's Box section.

Quality Assurance will perform a quality assurance on all selected files; a detailed report is given for each file, with an overall summary of QA errors found on all files. Set up the required QA options in the Wordfast/Setup/QA check tab before running this tool.

Extract This tool opens all selected documents and extracts all segments into a text document named "WfExtracted.txt". This document in text mode is presented to you so you can save it under a different name and/or folder if needed (save the document as Unicode if your language requires unicode).

For example, when preparing the extracted text to be used during alignment with PlusTools, this extraction process should be performer twice, once for each set of documents in each of the two languages. Each of the text document should then be named and saved separately (like "source.txt" and "target.txt") so they can be specified in PlusTools..

The Extract tool also produces a second file named WfRepetitions.txt, located in the same folder as WfExtracted.txt, which contains all segments that were found repeated more than once. This allows a project manager to have repetitions translated before the project starts, and to add these translated repetitions to the TM being distributed to translators. This method ensures consistency across the project, and further cost-cutting.

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