Wordfast Server

User Manual

Version 1.xx ~ All rights reserved
© 2005-2021, Wordfast LLC


Wordfast Server (WFS) is a Translation Memory (TM) and Terminology server. It only serves data. WFS does not edit or manage TM/terminology content.

Supported platforms

WFS runs as a 32-bit Windows application on any Windows machine that is connected to the Internet. WFS will also run on 64-bit versions of Windows. Those include Windows 2000™, Windows XP™, Windows Server™ 2000, 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019, Windows Vista™, Windows Seven™, Windows 8.x™, Windows 10.x™, and later versions.

Required environment

WFS does not require any third-party database system – it uses its own proprietary database and indexing system. Thus, it is not necessary to own or enable Windows database services or DBMSes like Microsoft SQL Server™, ODBC, Oracle™, etc. For optimal performance of WFS, you should minimize the number of third-party applications and services installed and running on the same workstation.

Data protection & GDPR compliance

As of March 2019, WFS implements state-of-the-art measures to ensure data protection pursuant to, or exceeding, European GDPR standards. Three levels of protection are implemented.

1. Database encryption

Translation memories and Glossaries, which are the databases used by WFS, can be encrypted with military-strength encryption. To do so, in the TMs or Glossaries panes in WFS, right-click a particular item, then under Convert format to, choose Encrypted. The reverse operation (decryption) follows the same path: right-click an item (TM or glossary), then under Convert format to, choose another non-encrypted format, like Unicode.

2. User interface lock

To protect the database from hackers who may have gained control of the host machine, WFS' User Interface (UI) can be locked. To do so, in Setup > Users, specify a password. You can set a recovery question and answer as a password recovery measure.

Then in Setup > Activity, check Lock interface, then set an inactivity time (in seconds) after which the UI will lock itself. Note that double-clicking the empty space to the right of the Setup tab icon will lock the UI immediately, if you need.

3. Settings encryption

WFS keeps settings in .stats files, named after WfServer.exe's file name, for example, WfServer.stats. The data in those setting files is in clear format, except passwords, which are encrypted. As a consequence: if you lose or forget a password, it cannot be recovered, not even by Wordfast LLC personnel. You can further enhance security by encrypting .stats files, keeping session login names, file paths and names, etc. from prying eyes. To do so, check the Encrypted checkbox in the Setup > Setup tab. Note that even if you don't encrypt those files, the passwords they contain are protected anyway. Setup encryption protects all sensitive information such as account names, path and file names, traffic, activity, etc.

! Important note.

To maximize protection, all security measures described above are enforced for a session of WFS running in one particular context. "Context" is dependent on your local workstation's hardware and software characteristics: motherboard, CPU, BIOS, Operating System version, local machine name, and also path and name to the WFS application, and to all encrypted files (TMs, glossaries, settings aka ".stats" files).

As a consequence, any change of the above characteristics (even just moving files or the WFS application) will alter the context and invalidate encrypted files and/or WFS' setup.

Wordfast LLC's personnel cannot help if you have lost passwords, or if the context has changed and passwords were lost.

Those conditions are drastic. They are enforced to maximize resilience against hostile attacks. Anything less would endanger your data.

In the event hackers clone & steal your entire hard disk to boot it elsewhere (therefore including OS, applications, setups, and data), they will not be able to run WFS and exploit your data: WFS will not work if it senses that the underlying hardware has changed.

When using encryption, refrain from letting the Operating System perform automatic updates (most servers have that option disabled). Do not upgrade or change physical characteristics of the local workstation while data is encrypted without following the simple migration procedure below.

Migration or change of context procedure

Follow this procedure to migrate encrypted database files, or a WFS application, with an encrypted setup. Migration means moving to another folder or computer in the same PC, or modify (even just update) the system's software or hardware, or migrate to a new PC:

Now WfServer.exe can safely be restarted in the new context. When restarting WfServer.exe in a new context, if WFS senses encrypted data, you will be prompted for the admin password that was used in the previous context so that the encrypted files can be exploited in the new context. However, note that the .stats file in the new context must be copied in clear, non-encrypted format.

Client-server communication channel

WFS uses TCP-IP to communicate with clients such as Wordfast Pro, Wordfast Classic, or Wordfast Anywhere. It uses its own protocol on top of TCP-IP, as well as its own military-strength encryption method. Thus, all WFS needs is a valid Windows socket. IIS or other services do not need to be activated.
Another communication channel uses an easier HTTP protocol through a small application (WfServerRelay). This manual’s Appendix 2 describes a REST API which allows developers to connect their applications to Wordfast Server in literally less than an hour.

Physical requirements

WFS only needs a basic, Windows platform with an internet connection to run.
Hard disk: A minimum of 10 Mbytes is necessary to install and run the application. For the database (TMs and glossaries), reserve three times the expected bare database size to accommodate indexes and temporary files.
RAM: At least 2 Gbytes of RAM.
Processor: Any processor can be used.

Server capacity

One instance of WFS can exploit a database of up to 10,000 Translation Memories (with any number of different language pairs), totalling up to 1,000,000,000 Translation Units (TU), and serving up to 5,000 clients.
A collection of TMs is a database, a TM is a table within the database, and a TU is a record within the table.
Most clients will start with one server serving all languages simultaneously, and will probably never outgrow WFS’ capacity. However, it is possible to split the load among as many servers as there are language pairs (one TM supports only one language pair), or even one server per TM, so that stellar scalability is achieved.


WFS’ native TM format is the Wordfast TM format, which is a tab-delimited text file, as described in the Wordfast Classic Reference Manual, in the WFC Translation Memory format section.
It’s the simplest of all TM formats to date — it can be opened with text editors, like Notepad, or any unicode-compliant text editors.
Wordfast TMs can be regular ANSI (8-bit) text, or Unicode UTF-16 (both little-endian and big-endian).
WFS can import TUs from TMX TMs (all levels of TMX), and from Wordfast TMs.
Note that the Wordfast TM format does not systematically store text formatting information (inline codes) per se, because they are known to bloat and choke TMs. It does record, however, placeholders for all third-party “tags”, which are meant to preserve formatting when the user wants it to. In short, the Wordfast format stores formatting information using a symbolic method.


The WFS database is a collection of discrete TXT files (one TXT file per TM and one TXT file per glossary), plus one single configuration file with a .stats extension. All other files, such as indexes and temporary files can be recreated as needed by WFS.
Backing up simply means backing up TMs, glossaries, and the single .stats file. Any standard method can be used, including mirroring, replication, RAID strategies, etc. The only requirement is that the backup method accommodates “live” files. If that is not the case, the server should be stopped before files are backed up. Most modern backup utilities can back up live files.


WfServer.exe is a stand-alone Windows application. It does not need any installation. It does not need any DLL. WfServer.exe can be dropped in any folder and started. Deployment must be done on a Windows workstation started with a Graphical User Interface (GUI), in admin mode, either in remote Desktop Mode, or directly with a keyboard and a monitor, in order to install, set up, and run the application. WFS is not a silent service.
WfServer.exe can be declared as a Windows start-up application (launched when Windows starts) so that it (re-)launches itself if the system reboots. WfServer.exe cannot be run as a Windows service.

! Note that when accessing the physical server where WFS is located using a Remote Desktop (RDP) session, you must use an admin (administrator, or root) session. If you do not remote desktop to the server in admin mode, you will create a new session every time you log in, and possibly launch another instance of WFS in that new session of the same physical server. This causes Wf Server to use another port like 47111 (because port 47110 is kept busy by WFS running in the same machine, but in another session!).
If you are not sure how to use Remote Desktop as an admin, get help from a trained IT professional.

The workstation where WfServer.exe is installed (the server) must have a fixed sub-domain or domain name, or a fixed IP address, where it can be reached. If the server is located inside a Local Area Network (LAN), and is to be used by translators outside the LAN, the administrator must make sure the server can be reached from outside the LAN using a fixed domain or subdomain name, or a fixed IP address.
If only translators located within the LAN use the server, it is possible to use only the LAN IP number. The Setup > Network tab displays the server’s current local (LAN) IP number and the server’s WAN, or Internet, IP address. That Internet IP address is usually assigned by the LAN administrator. It can also be determined on the workstation by visiting http://www.whatismyip.com/ although only the network administrator can guarantee visibility from the WAN (Web).

Licensing and demo mode

A license is a contractual agreement between Wordfast LLC and the user to use the WFS software within certain limitations. A license is materialized as a code issued by the licensing party — usually Wordfast LLC — in response to a given Install number. The Install number of a WFS installation is found in the Setup > General pane.
The license number number can then be obtained directly from www.wordfast.net after logging in with the credentials obtained when purchasing the license.

Note that the Install number is valid for a particular context, which includes physical characteristics of the workstation where WFS runs (hard disk, BIOS, etc.)
If those characteristics change, the install number changes and a new license number must be obtained at no cost within the duration of the license agreement. Make sure that the workstation WFS runs on does not often change hard disk formatting or other characteristics.
WFS typically runs uninterrupted for long periods. The workstation where WFS runs should be rarely restarted, as it is generally the case with database servers.

Demo mode

The demo mode is defined by the absence of a valid license. It is indicated by a flashing RED message in the upper right hand corner of the application window. In this mode, WFS does not accept more than 3 simultaneous connections, and is reserved for private and personal use in production by individuals, such as freelance translators. Yes -- WfServer is free for use by private persons, including freelance translators, in which case, the (fully functional) demo mode can be used. Translation/localization agencies, administrations, and corporations in general, should use the demo mode only to evaluate or test WFS, not for actual production.

Setup overview

Bird's eye view

Here is a snapshot of a typical installation, with one server, Computer1 (where WFS runs), and two clients: Computer2 (Johnny) in the local area network (LAN) and Computer3 (Lisa) connecting remotely via the world wide web (aka the Internet, or the WAN network).

WAN (World Wide Web)

WWW ⤑ tm7.trns.com (



 CLIENT (at home)  👩

Computer3 « Lisa »  
translating with

LAN (Company) 🏭

fixed WAN IP:

 SERVER (in company)    💻

Computer1 « Foobar »
serving from port 47110

 CLIENT (in company)  👨

Computer2 « Johnny »   
translating with

! Notes:

Computer3 connects to WFS with:
login:password@tm7.trns.com:47110, or
Computer2 connects to WFS with:
login:password@Foobar:47110, or

login:password are the account names and passwords as defined in the "Accounts" section in WFS.

In the example above, if Wordfast Classic is used and WFR (WfServerRelay) is in the LAN, the administrator should open the WFR port on the router (port 81 by default, although that port can be customized). This does not apply to Wordfast PRO, which does not need WFR.

Detailed step-by step instructions

Wordfast Server (WFS) exploits TMs. The first step is to mount TMs in WFS. TMs must be in either standard Wordfast format (ANSI, UTF-8, or Unicode) or TMX format. Use the TMs tab to do that. The server needs to “reorganize” a TM the first time it is used. Once the reorganization is done, reorganization is no longer needed, unless indexes are lost or damaged in which case the server automatically reorganizes the TM.

The second step is to create accounts that allow clients to connect to WFS. Clients are translators using Wordfast Classic, Wordfast Pro, or Wordfast Anywhere, or any third-party application that is compatible with WFS. Accounts give clients the right to connect to a TM served by WFS. One or more translators (users or clients) can use the same account. Each account has one login name and one password; it exploits a TM.

For clients to connect to WFS, the WFS server must have a fixed IP address, accessible by anyone who connects to it. The relevant port must be opened on WFS computerf. Clients need to know the account login, account password, server’s IP address, and Port # (WFS uses port 47110 by default).

To provide access to a given account, the WFS administrator should provide the client with the following details:

  1. The server account Login and Password from the second step described above.
  2. The (sub-)domain name, or the IP Address, of the workstation where WFS is running. The IP can be determined by visiting the following link from the physical server: http://www.whatismyip.com/.
  3. The Port # from the WFS Setup tab > Network option.
  4. A WorkGroup ID (if the Public checkbox the TMs tab is not checked). A workgroup ID can be any 10-character code that you choose. The code can contain letters, numbers and/or special characters. Warning: the characters i, l, o, I, and O are not allowed.

The WFS administrator can provide that information in a connection string with the following format:

login:password@DomainName:PortNumber, or
for example,
login:password@Foobar:47110, or

The WFS administrator must have mounted at least one TM and created at least one account pointing to a TM and/or glossary. Remember that clients connect to accounts (not to TMs). From that point on, activity can start. The “Server is active” checkbox must be checked in the “Activity” tab. More TMs and accounts can be added while the server is active.

Many options can be set to administer the server. The options are detailed further below.

The TMs tab

  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110










TM name  
TM password  
Write:    Unrestricted   
  Property Accounts: 1
Peak users: 3
Stat: Close
Type: Unicode
Lang: en-US>fr-FR
TUs: 867,405
Holes: 0
Size: 123,865 KB
Sync: Yes

Translation memory file name

Write a “user-friendly” TM name in the TM name textbox. Use short names without accented letters or special characters. Remember that when dealing with complexity, the golden rule is to keep things simple. Keep path (folder) names simple too. WFS supports long path and file names, as well as Unicode folder or file names, but we still advise keeping things simple.

Click the "Add" button. Use the "Browse" button next to Translation memory file name to specify the TM name (only use a Wordfast Classic TXT TM).
That lets WFS precisely know the source and target language codes, which is not possible with multilingual TMX. You can later add (aka "append", "merge") TMX content to that TM, but only TUs with the matching source/target language codes will be imported.

Do not enter a TM password. That field is reserved for rare applications, such as remote administration modules.

Protection and security is provided by the password under the Account tab. Leave TM password field empty unless you know what you are doing.

If you allow clients to write to that TM, check the “Write TM” checkbox. Note that you can allow writing to a TM, but deny or authorize write access at the account level.

The “Unrestricted” checkbox, if checked, indicates that clients are authorized to write TUs to the TM without a WorkGroupID. As a general rule, you want to check that option.

The language codes displayed in the Property group come from the TM's header - the very first line in the TM. As a reminder, a TM is a pure-text file, and can be opened/viewed/edited with PlusTools (www.wordfast.net/PlusTools), Microsoft Notepad, or Microsoft Word. Those codes cannot be changed in WFS. They can only be changed in the TM's header, and in the entire TM.

Click the “Apply” button to record any changes in the list of TMs. It can now be considered that the TM is mounted. Click the Apply button after any change in the setup.

Right-click the list of TMs for a list of actions that can be performed on a particular TM. The most frequently used action is to add Translation Units (TUs) from another TM (the "Append TM" option). These TUs can be taken from a Wordfast TM or from a TMX TM.

The Glossaries tab

  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110











Gloss. name  
Gloss. password  
Write:    Without   
  Property Accounts: 1
Peak users: 3
Stat: Close
Type: Unicode
Entries: 7,235
Holes: 0
Size: 3,54 KB
Sync: Yes

Glossary file name

This tab sets up glossaries, in a manner very similar to a TM.

Glossaries use the standard Wordfast Classic glossary format, in TXT format, ANSI, UTF-8, or Unicode.

Do not enter a glossary password unless you know what you are doing. As with the TMs tab, note that security is enabled through the use of a password at the account level. A glossary password is only used in rare applications that offer a remote administration mode.

Click the "Apply" button to load the new Glossary or any changes made to it.

The Accounts tab

  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110











Account name:  
Acc. password:  
Active:  Write TM
Force encryption:  Write glossary
Speed limit: 
Activate a limit:   = no limit


Get the account URL to connect with WFP, WFC, or WFA.

Start with entering an account name. In the Nb field, enter the maximum number of clients that can use that account simultaneously. Do not leave that setting at 0 (zero), otherwise, no client will be able to connect. Enter a password in the Password field. Keep the priority level to 10 (highest) if the client is a human translator.

Choose a TM for the account by clicking on the button with two periods next to the TM field. Choose a glossary by clicking on the button with two periods next to the Glossary field.

Check the Write TUs checkbox if you allow that account to write TUs into the selected TM.

Check Force encryption to force the client to use encrypted communication.

Leave the Speed value to its default value (180 requests/minute) if the account is to be used by human translators. If the account is used by an automat (for example, a piece of software that can send translation requests at a very high rate), raise that value to 1,000. The value of 180 is high enough to let "human" translators work, but it will block possible hackers that would try to block the server by bombarding it with millions of translation requests.

Click the Add button. The account has been created.

If you make any changes to an account, click on the Apply button to apply changes.

Use the Remove button to remove an account.

Go to the Activity tab and check the Server active checkbox. The server is now running and ready to serve any client using the account we just set up (REINE_Gabon), which is connected to one TM (TM_EN2FR) and one glossary (GLO_EN2FR) as in the screenshot.

Make sure that your account has the "Write TM" checkbox checked if you want your translation units to be recorded by WFS.
Likewise, make sure the "Write Glossary" checkbox is checked if you want to add terms to your WFS glossary from your client application (only Wordfast Classic supports this mode).

The language codes for the account's language pair are found in the TMs tab. They are set by the current TM's header, which is its very first line. As a reminder, a TM is a pure-text file, and can be opened/viewed/edited with PlusTools (www.wordfast.net/PlusTools), Microsoft Notepad, or Microsoft Word. Those codes cannot be changed in WFS. They can only be changed in the TM's header, and in the entire TM.

The Users tab

  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110












Disable login   Write TUs   Write Gloss

Application: AppID
WfRelay build: Build
Last action:Date


The Users tab lets you see which users have been connected to the server. Users are not to be confused with accounts: an account can be used by many users at the same time. A user is any “client” that uses a translation tool which can connect to WFS. WFS registers a few characteristics for each user: IP number, DNS name, MAC address.

The Groups tab

  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110








Workgroup IDs




The Groups tab gives the administrator a bird’s view of who is currently connected (users), and to which accounts and TMs they are connected to. Double-clicking any item takes you to the relevant tab and the relevant item for more detail.

The Activity tab

  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110








                Server active         Activity Log         Sess. count: 0         Queue: 0%
14:17:41,695 Intel(R) Core(TM) m3-6Y30 CPU @ 2.32GHz, 4 Core(s)
14:17:41,695 Windows Server 2012 R32 Version 1903 (Build 17654)
14:17:41,695 Physical memory: Total= 3.297 Gb, Free= 1.442 Gb, Max cache size= 16 To
14:17:41,696 Indy version =, IPV6 installed = Yes
14:17:42,695 Licenses count: Local = 0, Use = 0, cacapcity = 33, InstancesCont = 1
14:17:42,704 START.2 WfServer 1.14.729.81 Port: 47110 (build 2019/09/07 12:56 GMT)
14:17:42,720 IPV4 = enabled, IPV6 = Enabled

The Activity tab lets the administrator monitor server activity.

The Server active (or WFS active) checkbox, when checked, actually turns WFS on (makes it an active server, responding to requests). It should be checked when the server is in use.

The Activity log checkbox tells WFS to echo all activity in the textbox. The Activity checkbox actually turns itself down if nobody uses the WFS interface (clicks a button or changes a tab) for 10 minutes to save processor cycles.

The Sess. Count number indicates how many users are currently connected to WFS. Users open a session when they first connect to the server. They can close their own session (for example, when quitting their translation tool, the translation tool sends WFS a “Close session” command). A user session is automatically closed if WFS has registered no activity for more than five hours (the number of hours can be set in the Setup > Sessions tab).

The Queue progress bar indicates the state of the FIFO queue run by WFS to process incoming requests sent by clients. The priority value associated with an account in the Accounts tab sets the account’s priority in the queue. It is advised to give human translators a high priority (closer to 10) because they typically send 2 to 10 translation requests per minute, needing immediate response, and a lower priority (closer to 1) to automated processes, like programs that batch-process files, because they can load WFS with thousands of translation requests per minute.

The Sessions tab

  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110









TMsGlossAccntsUsers  Property         Details

The Sessions tab gives an overall view of users, accounts and TMs being used, with detailed stats.

The Setup tab

The Setup tab offers many options. They are:


  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110










Install #  Allow OS
      auto reboot
License #  System cache

Organizations with more than 3 employees, such as corporations, translation agencies, or institutions, must have a valid license to run WFS in production mode. Without a valid license number, WFS runs in demo mode, which is only allowed for evaluation purposes, or for production use by individual (“freelance”) translators working as self-employed individuals. In the demo mode, WFS does not serve more than three “clients” simultaneously. That is the only limitation. When you enter a license number in the red textbox, the textbox background turns to white if the license number is correct, and WFS runs in production mode.

Check the System cache checkbox to boost hard disk operation performance on regular Windows versions. On Windows server versions, the system cache is enabled by default, so it is not necessary to check that option.


  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110










Port WF #    LAN IP         
Port HTTP #   Active WAN IP     


Syslog server



 Email alerts 

Authent email


SMTP server    Enabled
Send email to   

By default, WFS uses port 47110 for communication. We advise using that port. The Wordfast client is set to use port 47110 by default, in the absence of a specified port. Port 47110 is not a standard Windows port, and is less likely to be bombarded by hostile pings and pressure. You can use another port number, but then, clients that access WFS must specify the same port number right after the server’s IP number in their connection string, as in the following example, where port 500 is forced:

john:mypass@domain.com:500, or

If 47110 is used, clients only need to specify:

john:mypass@domain.com, or

The WFS administrator can specify an email address (and the relevant SMTP server for mail relay) to receive automatic notifications. Notifications are critical events registered by the server, such as starting up, closing down, or faults.

! Firewall/security alerts. Your network administrator may notice that WfServer.exe tries to reach servers outside the corporate LAN, and may object. The checkbox right after "WAN IP" can be unchecked, in which case, WfServer will not attempt to determine its WAN IP address by polling www (WAN) web servers.


  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110










 Purge TUs 

Older than (years) 
Re-used less than  times


 With index       

Delete redundant TUs
Move deleted TU into backup
Auto-increment 100%
Reorganize with pack
Index cache
Reorg automatically if needed

Default TMs directory

The server can automatically delete TUs if:

  1. They are older than X years
  2. They were re-used less than X times.

Values 1. and 2. are entered in the TMs section of the Setup tab. Actual purge is done by right-clicking a TM in the list of TMs in the TMs tab, and choosing the Purge option.

Check the Delete redundant TUs checkbox if WFS must delete existing redundant TUs when TUs are being added to the server. Redundant TUs are defined as TUs where source segments are identical. If a different definition of a TU must be used (for instance, redundant TUs are those where both source and target segments are identical, or where the degree of matching is above 95%; or where attributes are identical too), the translation client should make the decision.

Check the Auto-increment 100% checkbox if WFS must increment a TU’s "Re-use" counter if it serves a 100% match originating from that TU.

Check the Reorganize with pack checkbox if WFS must pack holes during reorganization. When a TU is deleted, it is filled with whitespace, creating a “hole” in the database. The holes are often reused in real time when TUs are added, but sometimes some holes cannot be reused. That is why it is necessary to remove the holes during the reorganization.


  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110










With index    

Do not add duplicate entry

Reorganize with pack
Reorg automatically if needed

Default glossaries directory

The options on this tab follow the same logic as the "TMs" tab.


  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110















Default accounts directory


  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110










Admin password Maxi 
Donor password  View passwords 
Security question

Security response


IPs whitelist
Purge older than  days (0 = no purge)

The Admin password can be set here. It is required by any “client” that wishes to connect to the server in Admin (administrator) mode. At this time, no application exists to pilot WFS from a remote location in administration mode, but the API explains how such a client application can connect to WFS in admin mode.

We recommend accessing WFS in remote desktop mode to set it up or administer it by directly manipulating its user interface.

! Note that when accessing the physical server where WFS is located, you must use an admin session. If you do not RDP the server in admin mode, you will create a new session when logging in; however, that session may likely be closed when you log off, thereby closing WFS. Otherwise, that session may keep running, and the next time you log in, you may create a nother session, and effectively start a second instance of WFS. In short, when using Remote Desktop to access the server, open an admin session.

The Maxi value is the maximum number of persons that can simultaneously access the server in Admin mode.

The Donor password is “Donor” by default. It allows clients accessing the server in “Donor” mode to write public TUs into a TM. “Public TUs” are visible to anyone accessing the server, so they are considered as being “donated” to the public. Public does not mean “the public” at large. Public distinguishes these TUs from private TUs in the same TM, within the one server you run, which is not accessible to the public. Private TUs have a WorkGroupID attached to them and are only visible to clients using the same WorkGroupID.


  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110










 GroupID <-> UserID converter 



 GroupID generator 

  Old  syntax   



  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110










 Speed limit   
 Log to file    

 Log:   Source seg.           Target seg.
 Log type

To syslog
Max time job   seconds
 Fast searchMax background
 MinimizeSampling period   seconds
 Lock interfaceafter seconds of inactivity


  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110










 Disable logins
 Max idle time      (minutes)
 Ping same identity
 Resolve address
 Show cmdOnline

Disable logins: If you want to shut down the server, you may perhaps want to first block any new session from being opened. This checkbox, if checked, rejects any new login request, but keeps existing users logged on until they leave.

Max idle time: This is the maximum idle time until WFS terminates a user’s session (the maximum time without a ping or a request coming from a user).

Ping same identity: If two clients are logged with the same identity, this may indicate that one session crashed (or did not end with a proper end-of-session command), and the same user started a new session, with the first still opened. The server will ping both sessions to resolve the problem and know which of the two sessions is “orphaned” and should be ended. Each session has a unique session identifier that makes this operation possible.

Resolve address: Tries to get a clear domain name from a user’s DNS information.


  WfServer 1.14.729.91   port: 47110









 Settings (.stats file) 



Case sensitive

Autosave interval

 Encryption key 




Setting up Wordfast Classic with WFS

Prerequisite: you must run a small utility named WfServerRelay.exe alongside WF Server, which is in the WfServer.zip file you downloaded. WF Classic (WFC) actually “talks” to WfServerRelay (WFR). WFR “locally” talks to Wordfast Server (WFS). The physical server should have a fixed IP, and the appropriate port open. WfServerRelay uses port 81 by default.

The example below assumes EN2FR as both account name and password defined in the WFS > Account tab. It assumes that WFC has a TM (not necessarily an active one, but it must be selected) with EN-US and FR-FR as source and target language codes. If yours are different, create or select a TM with the proper language codes.

Bottom line: language codes on WFC's Translation Memory pane, and on WFS' TMs pane, must be identical. Do not confuse language codes and TM file name.

Wordfast Classic preparation

The Remote TM section of Wordfast Classic offers a connection to a Wordfast TM Server.

  Wordfast Classic 8.85   wordfast.ini   en-US>fr-FR
Translation Memory Terminology Tools Setup ?
TM TM Attributes TM Rules BTM Remote TM MT

Use a remote TM & glossary
WFS admin password (optional)
Note: remote terminology appears as Glossary #3
Enable on already-translated segments     Use only for concordance

Close the Wordfast dialog box and save changes on exit to keep the setup

Back in Wordfast > Translation memory> Remote TM, click the Test button to test the connection. You should see a successful connection. Make sure that your account, in WFS' Accounts tab, has the "Write TM" checkbox checked if you want your translation units to be recorded by WFS. Likewise, make sure the "Write Glossary" checkbox is checked if you want to add terms to your WFS glossary from your client application (only Wordfast Classic supports this mode). To browse, read, write TMS and glossaries using the Data Editor in Wordfast Classic, you must provide the Admin password in WFC's Remote TM setup. The Admin password is found under the "General > Users" tab. Please refer to Appendix III (Troubleshooting) for extended help before calling the hotline. Setting up a client-server architecture can be complex!

Setting up Wordfast Pro with WFS


Connection checklist

Before translators engage in translation, make sure the language codes in the translator's WF Pro’s project are identical to those in Wordfast Server's TM. The WFS TM's language codes are visible in the Properties group in the TMs tab.

Methodical two-step troubleshooting for difficult cases:

  1. Install Wordfast Pro in the same physical server where WFS is running, and make sure everything works. In this first test, both WFS (the server) and WF Pro are on the same computer! Note that the IP number is in this mode. Ports should not be a problem in this mode.

  2. Now, set up Wordfast Pro on a LAN or WAN computer and test. At this second stage, you will need to know the WFS server's IP number (whether LAN, or WAN). Do not proceed if you don't know that IP number!

If 1. works and 2. (LAN or WAN) does not work, you’re dealing with port issues, NAT issues, firewall issues, or generally speaking, architecture issues that are outside our hotline’s reach.

Setting up Wordfast Anywhere with WFS

WFA accounts, as of going to press (Spring 2020) are free for all. In WFA, get the URL from "TMs & Glossaries > Setup > View/Edit". It looks like this:


That way, you can connect to the TM and glossary that are currently active in your WFA account. WFA TM connection is read-write. You can even set your TM as "shared" in your WFA account, if you wish so, and invite others to share it.

Wordfast Anywhere is found at http://www.freetm.com/

Run this checklist before contacting the hotline:

  1. The entire setup (WFC’s TM setup and the TM used by WFS) has the same language codes (EN-US to FR-FR in this example, any other codes are fine as long as they are consistent). A common cause of failure is that the local tool (WFC) and the distant server’s TM do not have identical language codes. Remember you can open a TM with a text editor (Notepad) to verify and/or edit language codes.
  2. All software is on the same computer for engineering test by the administrator (case #1 in the initial "Methodical test section above). However, in production, with both the server (WFS) and the relay (WFR) on distant machines, update the IP numbers. If both WFR (WordfastServerRelay) and WFS are on the same remote machine (recommended setup), the WFR=... IP should be the accessible remote IP (LAN or WAN), and the WFS=... IP should be This is because, in that typical setup, the local WFC talks to a remote WFR (remote IP) and in turn, WFR talks to a localhost WFS (localhost in relation to WFR).
  3. The Account at WFS in the example is named EN2FR (any other name is OK, in which case, use that name), same for the password. The “Server active” checkbox is checked in WFS' "Activity" pane, the "Activity log" checkbox is checked, so that the server echoes the received commands as in the screenshot (it can be unchecked in production). Do not use a password in the TM pane in WFS. It is left empty in the screenshot. The password is defined in the Accounts tab, not in the TMs tab.
  4. TM is set to “active” in WFS’ TMs tab.
  5. WFC is set up using the screenshot as example.
  6. The active TM in WFS contains a translation unit with "Hello World!" as source.
  7. The active TM in WFS' TMs tab's properties group is in "sync" (meaning, it has been reorganized once).

Appendix 1: Wordfast Server API commands

For most commands, the returned status contains the error message. If the operation ends well, the status contains msgEndJob (1). If the request continues after a time greater than "MaxTimeJob" ("Setup/Activity" tab), the answer is "000" with the appropriate error message.

cmdPackIndex = 1

Defragments the index (re-indexes, or reorganizes the TM or glossary). ~ Restricted to Administrators


This command applies to the index of the TM opened during the session. The index is defragmented. During this period, the TM is not accessible. WfServer sends back "000" to users' queries.

cmdCreateTM = 2

Creates a remote TM and indexes the TM. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: Parameters are separated with a Tab character (# 9)

1: Name of the TM
2: Relative path name + TM file.
3: Password for the TM
4: Languages of TM in the format "XX-XX> XX-XX
5: Write permission on the TM ("1" or "0")
6: Write permission on public zone of the TM ("1" or "0")
WfServer creates a TM. This TM is automatically indexed. This command returns msgEndJob but the process runs in the background.

cmdIndexTM = 4

Launch a reindexation of a remote TM. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameter: Name of the TM


Indexing is performed in the background. During this period, the TM is not accessible. WfServer sends back "000" to users' queries. The error message msgTMLocked is returned if a user tries to open a session on this TM, lasting all the time of reindexation.

cmdSearchSegment = 5

Performs an exact or fuzzy TU search for the provided segment of text. Returns all possible candidate TUs, in order of match degree. No restriction.

Parameter: Searched segment


WfServer searches and sends back the found TUs as lines of text terminated with a CR, sorted in the order of resemblance (match degree), with a 3-digit score at the beginning of each TU line. The reuse counter for the top (first) matching TU is then incremented if the "Auto increment 100%" is checked ("Setup/TMs" tab).

cmdDelSegment = 6

Removes one TU for a given segment, if it is found at 100%. ~ No restriction.

Parameter: Searched segment


WfServer searches a TU whose source segment is identical to the searched segment. If a TU is found, it is deleted.

cmdAddSegment = 7

Adds one or many TUs created from one or more source segments. ~ No restriction.

Parameter: Source segment [+Rtn+ source segment] ...


WfServer creates a TU with each given source segment(s), and starts a cmdAddTUs command. The langID created will be that of the TM, the GroupID will be that of the session, the target segment will be filled with spaces of the size of the source segment.

cmdSearchTU = 8

Search a TU ~ No restriction.

Parameter: Searched TU


WfServer searches and returns the found TU. The reuse counter is then incremented if the "Auto increment 100%" is checked ("Setup / TMs" tab).

The search compares the following fields.

cmdDeleteTUs = 9

Deletes a list of TUs. ~ No restriction.


Syntax 1: TU1 + Rtn + TU2 + Rtn + TU3 + …
Syntax 2: 23456 + Rtn + 54678 + Rtn + …

WfServer searches each transmitted TU and removes the one(s) found as identical (see the field comparison table). WFServer removes all identical TUs that were found. The search can be done in two ways, either Syntax 1, by sending WfServer the searched TU, or Syntax 2, by sending its identification number recovered during a previous Search command.

cmdAddTUs = 10

Adds a list of TUs. ~ No restriction.

Parameters: TU1 + Rtn + TU2 + Rtn + TU3 + …

WfServer adds each TU to the session's TM. Before the operation, redundant TUs beings can be automatically deleted if the "Delete redundant TU" checkbox ("Setup/TMs" tab) is checked. The table below summarizes what is removed taking into account the parameter "OverrideTU" (see below "cmdSetParam")

cmdDelLastTU = 11

Removes an older TU and adds a new TU, in one operation. ~ No restriction.


1: Identifier of the TU to be deleted (e.g. "45678").
2: TU to be added.
This command allows to remove a TU and add another at the same time. The first TU is referenced by its ID

cmdIncLastTU = 12

Increments the reuse counter of a TU. ~ No restriction.

Parameters: Position of the TU to be incremented

WfServer increments the reuse counter of the designated TU. If the transmitted position is <= 0, the last TU served at 100% will be be incremented.

cmdSearchContext = 15

Searches the TUs whose source segment contains the largest number of searched terms. ~ No restriction.

Parameters: Keywords to be searched, separated by spaces.

WfServer returns lines of TUs to the user. The size of each packet (in number of text characters - not bytes; Unicode characters are 2 bytes) is defined by a parameter specified in the request. WfServer fills the packet with as many entire TUs as possible.

cmdInitFirstTU = 17

Positions a cursor in the TM file. ~ Restricted to Administrator or Donor

Parameters: Number in ASCII. Example: "12345"

The cursor is used to directly read the contents of the TM, one TU at a time, or block by block.

cmdGetNextTU = 18

Reads the TU under the current cursor in the direction Start -> End .. ~ Restricted to Administrator or Donor

Parameters: Position in ASCII format. e.g. "12345", or empty

WfServer returns the TU under the cursor and moves the cursor to the next TU. Also returns the cursor. All TUs end with # 13. If the end of the file is reached or exceeded, returns '000 '.

cmdGetPreviousTU = 19

Reads the TU under the current cursor in the direction End -> Start

Restrictions: Administrator or Donor

Parameters: Position in ASCII format. e.g. "12345", or empty

WfServer returns the TU under the cursor (moving backwards) and positions the cursor at the end of the previous TU. Also returns the cursor. All TUs end with a CR (# 13). If the beginning of the file is reached or exceeded, returns '000 '.

cmdGetCountTUs = 20

Returns the number of TUs in the current TM. ~ No restriction.

Parameters: None.

WfServer returns the file name of the TM and the current number of TUs that it contains.

cmdGetTMFileName = 21

Returns the name and size (in characters - not bytes) of the TM file. ~ No restriction.

Parameters: None.

WfServer returns the file name of the TM and the number of characters that it contains.

cmdGetNextBlock = 23

Reads the TU block under the current cursor in the direction Start -> End .. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: Position in ASCII format. e.g. "12345", or empty

WfServer returns the block of TUs under the cursor and positions the cursor at the end of the block. Also returns the cursor. All TUs end with # 13. If the end of the file is reached or exceeded, returns '000 '.

cmdGetPreviousBlock = 24

Reads the TU block under the current cursor in the direction End -> Start ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: Position in ASCII format. e.g. "12345", or empty

WfServer returns the block of TUs under the cursor (backward direction) and positions the cursor at the beginning of the block. Also returns the cursor. All TUs end with # 13. If the beginning of file is reached or exceeded, returns '000 '.

cmdGetBlockASync = 26

Reads the TU block under the current cursor in the direction Beginning -> End ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: Position in ASCII format. e.g. "12345", or empty

WfServer returns the block of TUs under the cursor and positions the cursor at the beginning of the block. Also returns the cursor. All TUs end with # 13. If the end of the file is reached or exceeded, returns '000 '.

cmdGetVersionNumber = 28

Returns the version number of WfServer ~ No restriction.

Parameters: None.

WfServer returns its version number.

cmdDoBreak = 29

Stops all the currently running jobs for a user. ~ No restriction.

Parameters: None.

WfServer properly shuts down the execution of a command and deletes all other commands in the job queue.

cmdGetErrorMsg = 30

Returns the string corresponding to the error message. ~ No restriction.

Parameters: Error number in ASCII (e.g. "12")

WfServer returns the meaning of the error message in text format.

cmdCreateGlos = 33

Remotely creates a new glossary. ~ Restricted to Administrators


    Parameters are separated with a Tabulator (ASCII 9)
1: Name of the glossary
2: Name of file relative to the default directory for
    glossaries as defined in the "Setup/Glossaries" tab.
3: Glossary password.
4: Glossary LangID
5: Write authorization ("1" = yes, "0" = no)
6: Write authorization for the public zone ("1" = yes, "0" = no)
WfServer creates a glossary and automatically indexes it. This command returns msgEndJob, but the process runs in the background.

cmdDeleteGlos = 34

Remotely deletes a glossary. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: Parameters are separated with a Tab character (# 9)

1: Name of the glossary

2: Glossary password.

3: Delete the files (glossary file and index). ("1" = yes, "0" = no)

WfServer send the user a confirmation string (10 random alphanumeric characters) before executing the command. The distant user will have to return this confirmation string before the maximum time of the execution of a command. If the response time exceeds "MaxTimeJob" ("Setup/Activity" tab), confirmation is canceled, the glossary is not deleted.

cmdGetLanguage = 35

Returns the language pair of the TM ~ No restriction.

Parameters: None.

WfServer returns the language pair of the TM (e.g. 'RU-01>EN-US')

cmdDeleteTM = 36

Remotely deletes a TM. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: None

    Parameters are separated with tabulators (ASCII 9)

1: Name of the TM
2: Password for the TM
3: Delete the files (TM file and index). ("1" = yes, "0" = no)
WfServer sends the user a confirmation string (10 random alphanumeric characters) before executing the command. The distant user will have to return this confirmation string before the maximum time of the execution of a command. If the response time exceeds "MaxTimeJob" ("Setup/Activity" tab), confirmation is canceled, the TM is not deleted.

cmdCreateAccount = 37

Remotely creates a new account. ~ Restricted to Administrators

    Parameters are separated with tabulators (ASCII 9)

1: Account Name
2: Password of the account.
3: Name of the associated TM.
4: Write authorization ("1" = yes, "0" = no)
5: Name of the associated glossary.
6: Write authorization for the glossary ("1" = yes, "0" = no)
7: Max number of concurrent users
WfServer remotely creates an account. If the TM does not exist, or the syntax of the name is not correct, or the account already exists, the account is not created.

cmdGetAccntParams = 38

Returns the settings for an account ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameter: Account Name


WfServer returns:
1: Password of the account.
2: Name of the associated TM.
3: Write authorization ("1" = yes, "0" = no)
4: The name of the glossary
5: Write authorization for the glossary ("1" = yes, "0" = no)

cmdGetNbClient = 39

Returns the number of clients who opened a session. ~ No restriction.

Parameters: None.

WfServer returns the number (in ASCII) of logged users (real and virtual).

cmdDeleteAccount = 40

Remotely deletes an account. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: Parameters are separated with a Tab character (# 9)

1: Account Name
2: Password of the account.
WfServer sends the user a confirmation string (10 random alphanumeric characters) before executing the command. The distant user will have to return this confirmation string before the maximum time of the execution of a command. If the response time exceeds "MaxTimeJob" ("Setup/Activity" tab), confirmation is canceled, the account is not deleted.

cmdReplaceTU = 44

Replaces a TU by another in the same place (if possible) without changing the GroupID. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: Each TU is separated by a Rtn character (# 13)

1: Former TU.
2: New TU.
This command allows you to replace a TU by another. If both TUs are the same size, the new one replaces the old one.

TU1, "" Deletes the TU
TU1, TU2 Replaces TU1 with TU2 if TU1 exists
TU1, "123" Invalid parameter
"", TU2 Replaces the last found TU with TU2
"", "" Deletes the last found TU
"123", TU2 Replaces TU # 123 with TU2
"123", "" Deletes TU # 123
"123", "432" Invalid parameters

cmdDelAllTUs = 45

Searches and Deletes all found TUs. TUs must be found as 100% identical, except for the date. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: TUs are separated with a Rtn character (# 13)

1: TU1,
2: TU2
3: TUn
This command deletes all TUs identical to a list of TUs, even different date.

cmdAddSearch = 47

Searches a segment and add TUs that will be stamped with the client GroupID. ~ No restriction.

Parameters: TUs are separated with a Rtn character (# 13)

1: Searched segment
2: TU to be added.
This command is twofold. It adds a TU first and then searches for the segment. WfServer searches and sends back the found TUs, sorted in the order of resemblance, with a 3-digit score at the beginning of each TU. The reuse counter is then incremented if the "Auto increment 100%" checkbox is checked ("Setup/TMs" tab).

cmdInitGroupID = 48

Create / Open / Enable / Closes a session WorkgroupID. ~ No restriction.


1: "0123456789" + # 13 + life duration + # 13 + PIN number
2: "123456789"
3: "123456789" + #13 + "+"
4: ""
The syntax may vary depending on the function. 1=Create, 2=Open, 3=Enable, 4=Close. A WorkgroupID consists of 10 characters in the following alphabet:

“#$%+-0123456789<=>?@ ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz

Life duration is 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 months. "0" means "no time limit".

Originally, the structure of the WorkGroupID contained information for the life duration of that WorkGroup ID, as well as a PIN number in order to filter WorkGroupID. However, client software that identify themselves at the time of connection to WfServer with a version number less than "" are not filtered.

It is possible to force this filter by checking the "PIN filter" checkbox (tab "Setup / Groups")

cmdSetParam = 49

Sets one or more global or local parameters. ~ No restriction.


'AnyLangID' The cmdAppendTM sub-command (cmdPurge=59) accepts all added TUs regardless of language codes ("1"), or rejects TUs that don't have the correct language codes ("0").

'AutoIncTU' Is the auto-incrementation of TUs served at 100% enabled for my user session?

'AutoIncTUTM' Is the auto-incrementation of TUs served at 100% enabled for that TM?

'Break' Stops the job specified by the session number in ASCII.

'CacheIndex' Enables or disables the index cache. (1 = active)

'CanWritePublicTM' Provisionally enables or disables the public zone write authorization of the current TM, without changing the corresponding setting in the User Interface. (1 = active)

'CanWriteTM' Temporarily enables or disables the write authorization for the current TM. Temporarily means that the corresponding setting in the User Interface is not modified. This administrator command blocks the write mode for a TM to all other users accessing it. The parameter stays active as long as the TM remains opened by any other user. It will resume the User Interface's status at the next virgin "Open TM" command. (1 = active)

'CCountUsers' Corrects the difference between the number of logged and connected users

'CountAdmins' Sets the maximum number of concurrent administrators defined on the interface.

'CountBkgJobs' Set the maximum number of jobs allowed in the background.

'CountErrors' Resets the error counter to 0.

'DelCopiesTUs' Temporarily (session-wide) enables or disables the deletion of duplicate TUs when cmdAddTUs is used (does not modifiy the User Interface setting).

'DelCopiesEntries' Temporarily (session-wide) enables or disables the deletion of duplicate TUs when cmdAddEntries is used (does not modifiy the User Interface setting).

'Donor' Changes the property of the user into "donor", giving the password "Donor" ("Setup / Users" tab)

'Donor' Sets the password of the Donor WfServer interface (if Admin).

'ExportPath' Sets the destination directory for files generated by Purge commands.

'FuzzyThreshold' Sets the threshold percentage for TUs that are interesting to harvest for a search (ranges from 50% TUs to 95%). For a threshold of 95%, only TUs with a score >= 95% will be returned to the user. The higher the threshold, the lower will be the number of found TUs.

'GloPassword' The user identifies the glossary password.

'GroupID' Opens a session WorkGroupID.

'IdleTime' Sets the maximum number of hours (1 .. 24) of inactivity.

'IndexUsed' Defines the index used. (Source = 0, 1 = Target)

'IsAdmin' Changes to administrator mode after the recognition of the administrator password.

'Kill' Force the closing a TM or a glossary, disconnecting all users that may be currently using this TM or glossary. (Admin)

'LangID' Defines the session langID.

'LogsFileActived' Enables (1) or disables (0) the writing into an activity log file for WfServer.

'MakeBackStats' Creates a STATS.BAK file.

'MaxTimeJob' Sets the number of seconds for the execution of an application (2 .. 60).

'OkSendMail' Enables / disables the sending of warning emails.

'OverrideDate' Authorizes the stamping of the TU date by the server. (Default = 1)

'OverrideTU' Variable that indicates which TUs will be replaced or removed in a cmdAddTUs command. The table below summarizes all cases.

'PackReorganize' Enables / Disables the option of compacting holes in the TM when reindexing ("Setup / TMs" tab).

'PingToAll' Sends a ping to all users.

'PostStats' Sends an email alert test with the comment you provide.

'Priority' Sets the priority level (1 .. 10) for the user without overriding the account level set in the User Interface (in the "Accounts / Priority Level" tab)

'SearchDepth' Sets the level of depth for searches (50 .. 95).

'SetGloPassword' Sets the glossary password.

'SetTMPassword' Sets the password for the TM.

'Showserver' Make the WfServer User Interface visible (1) or invisible (0) .

'SyncTM' Synchronization (force write) of TM data in RAM to the hard disk.

'SyncUser' Synchronization (force write) of user data in RAM to the hard disk.

'TM & GlossarySearch' Enables / Disables the simultaneous search TM + Glossary.

'TMLangID' Configure the TM's langID pair.

'tmPassword' Temporarily sets the password of the current TM without overwriting its definition on the interface (TMs tab)

'TurboMode' Activates the Turbo mode for short sentences research (1, 2, 3 words).

'Unlock' Unlocks all critical area locks of the designated TM or glossary.

'ViewLogs' Checks the "Log to file" checkbox that generates log files. (Setup/Activity tab)

cmdGetParam = 50

Returns one or many global or local parameters of the session. ~ No restriction.


'AppCPUUsage' Returns the percentage of CPU activity dedicated to server VLTM.

'AutoIncTU' Is the auto-incrementation of TUs served at 100% enabled for my user session?

'AutoIncTUTM' Is the auto-incrementation of TUs served at 100% enabled for that TM?

'CacheIndex' Returns the state of the index cache. (1 = active)

'CanWritePublicTM' Retourne the activation status of the write permission into the public area in the current TM. (1 = active)

'CanWriteTM' Returns the state of the (temporary) write authorization for the current TM. (1 = active)

'CountAccounts' Returns the number of opened accounts.

'CountActiveThreadsJob' Returns the number of ThreadJob in progress.

'CountAdmins' Returns the maximum number of concurrent administrators.

'CountAllTUsID' Return the number of TUs of all TMs with the WorkgroupID indicated (in Admin mode). If no WorkGroupID is indicated, returns the number of TUs with the same session WorkGroupID, in all TMs.

'CountBkgJobs' Set the maximum number of jobs allowed in the background.

'CountEntries' Returns the number of entries in the glossary.

'CountEntriesID' Returns the number of entries in the current glossary with the same WorkgoupID and LangID as the session user.

'CountErrors' Returns the number of errors recorded by WfServer.

'CountGlossaries' Returns the number of opened glossary.

'CountHoles' Returns the number of TUs in the current TM.

'CountJobs' Returns the number of Jobs run since the start of WfServer.

'CountReqs' Returns the number of requests received by the server.

'CountReqsFifo' Returns the number of requests in the queue.

'CountReqsTM' Renvoie le nombre de requêtes exécutées sur la TM courante.

'CountSessions' Returns the number of opened sessions on WfServer.

'CountStart' Returns the number of times the current version of WfServer was started.

'CountTCPUsers' Returns the number of connected users.

'CountThreadsJob' Returns the number of ThreadsJob in progress.

'CountTMs' Returns the number of opened TMs.

'CountTUs' Returns the number of TUs in the current TM.

'CountTUsID' Returns the number of TUs in the current TM with the specified WorkgroupID (in Admin mode). If no WorkGroupID is indicated, returns the number of TUs with the same session WorkGroupID, in the current TM.

'CountTUsLangID' Returns the number of TUs in the current TM with the same LangID (in Admin mode). If no LangID is indicated, returns the number of TUs with the same session LangID, in the current TM.

'CountUsers' Returns the total number of logged users.

'CountUsersTM' Returns the number of users logged into the same TM.

'CPUUsage' Returns a numeric character string indicating the percentage of CPU usage by WfServer.

'CreatedDate' Returns the creation date of the WfServer executable.

'DelCopies' Returns the state of the variable of duplicate TU deletion when cmdAddTUs is running.

'DelCopiesEntries' Returns the state of the variable of duplicate entry deletion when cmdAddEntries is running.

'DiskActivity' Returns a string of ASCII characters of disk activity expressed in Kb/s

'Donor' Returns 1 if the user is set as a donor, 0 otherwise.

'ExportPath' Returns the destination directory for files generated by Purge commands.

'FuzzyThreshold' Returns the threshold percentage for TUs that are interesting to harvest for a search (ranges from 50% TUs .. 95%). For a threshold of 95%, only TUs with a score >= 95% will be returned to the user. The higher the threshold, the lower will be the number of found TUs.

'GetCountEntry' Counts the number of specific glossary entries.

     Sub-parameters, separated by "&":
1 - WorkGroupID ("" = search empty elements, '*' = all items)
2 - Source language (eg 'EN', 'EN*', 'EN-US')
3 - Target language (eg 'EN',' FR*','FR-CA ')
4 - Name of the author or owner.

'GetCountTU' Count the number of specific TUs in the TM.

     Sub-parameters, separated by "&":
1 - WorkGroupID ("" = search empty elements, '*' = all items)
2 - Source language (eg 'EN', 'EN*', 'EN-US')
3 - Target language (eg 'EN',' FR*','FR-CA ')
4 - Name of the author or owner.

'GetDateGroupID' Returns the date contained in the encryption of a WorkgroupID

'GetDateNow' Returns a string of ASCII characters of the current date (format: ddd:hh:mm:ss,ms), of the operating system on which WfServer is running.

'GetPIN' Returns the PIN code (4 characters) of a WorkgroupID. If the result is 0, then the WorkgroupID is not syntactically correct with WfServer of versions greater than or equal to "".

'gloFileName' Returns the path and file name of the current glossary.

'GloPassword' Returns the status of the glossary password recognition. 0 = The glossary has a blank password 1 = Password is not identical 2 = The given password is authenticated (identical).

'GlossaryName' Returns the name of the glossary of the specified account (Admin mode). If none is specified, returns the name of the current glossary.

'GroupID' Returns the status of the opened WorkgroupID. 0 = not opened, 1 = opened.

'IdleTime' Returns the maximum number of hours (1 .. 24) of inactivity.

'IndexUsed' Returns the index used. (Source = 0, 1 = Target)

'IndexVersion' Returns the version number of the algorithm used to index.

'Indicators' Returns the progress indicators of the background task specified by its session number.

'IsAdmin' Returns the administrator status (1 = yes, 0 = no).

'IsDemoMode' Returns the status of WfServer demo mode (1 = yes, 0 = no)

'IsDoubleIndex' Returns "1" if target-side searches are possible, otherwise "0".

'IsReadWrite' Returns the write permission to the TM according to various parameters.

'IsUnicode' Returns the formatting (encoding) of the TM file. (1 = ANSI, 2 = Unicode, 3 = BigEndian, 4 = UTF8).

'LangID' Returns the session langID.

'Langs' Returns the pair of LangID of the TM (e.g. "EN> FR").

'LiCapacity' Returns the maximum number of connections that the license number can accept.

'LiCount' Returns how many connections are used by the license number (on the same operating system installed).

'ListAllGroupIDs' Returns a list, separated by the Tab character (# 9), of all WorkgroupID used in all TMs.

'ListGroupIDs' Returns a list, separated by the Tab character (# 9), of all WorkgroupID used in the current TM.

'MaxTimeJob' Returns the number of seconds for the execution of an application (2 ...60).

'MemUsed' Returns the amount of RAM used, in Kb

'OkSendMail' Returns the checkbox status for sending alert mails ("Setup/Network" tab).

'OverrideDate' Returns the status of the authorization to stamp the TUs with the server's date.

'OverrideTU' Returns a variable that indicates which TUs will be replaced or removed in a cmdAddTUs command.

'PackReorganize' Returns the activation state of the compaction of holes at the time of TM indexing option.

'Priority' Returns the priority level of the user.

'Showserver' Returns 1 if the interface is visible or 0 if the interface is invisible.

'StatsClients' Returns the list of users and their connection status (IP, TM used, connection date)

'SVersion' Returns the version number of WfServer, in ASCII format.

'TM & GlossarySearch' Returns the activation status of the simultaneous search "TM + Glossary".

'TM_ID' Returns the ID of the TM.

'TMFileName' Returns the name of the TM file

'TMFileSize' Returns the size (in bytes) of the TM.

'TMLangID' Returns the language pair of the TM.

'TMName' Returns the name of the TM of the specified account (Admin mode). If none is specified, returns the name of the current TM.

'tmPassword' Returns the status of the TM password recognition. 0 = The TM has a blank password 1 = Password is not identical 2 = The given password is authenticated (identical).

'TurboMode' Returns the status of Turbo mode.

'UpTime' Returns the uptime of WfServer with the format: yyyy:ddd:hh:mm:ss:ms.

'UserID' Returns the ID number of the user session.

'ViewLogs' Returns the state of the "Log to file" checkbox (Setup/Activity tab) box

cmdSearchEntry = 51

Searches for an entry in the glossary. ~ No restriction.

Parameters: Source term or expression to search.

cmdAddEntries = 52

Adds one or more entries in the glossary. ~ No restriction.

Parameters: Entries are separated with a Rtn character (ASCII 13)

1: Entry1
2: Entry2
The entry is added, the index is updated.

cmdDelEntry = 53

Deletes an entry in the glossary. ~ No restriction.

Parameters: Entry

The entry is deleted if it exists, the index is updated.

cmdGetNextEntry = 54

Direct reading of the glossary entry by entry in the direction Start -> End. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: Position in ASCII format. e.g. "12345", or empty.

WfServer returns the entry under the cursor and positions itself on the following entry. Also returns the cursor. All entries end with # 13. If reaches or exceeds the end of file, returns '000 '.

cmdGetPreviousEntry = 55

Direct reading of the glossary entry by entry in the direction End -> Start. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: Position in ASCII format. e.g. "12345", or empty.

WfServer returns the entry under the cursor and positions itself on the previous entry. Also returns the cursor. All entries end with # 13. If reaches or exceeds the beginning of file, returns '000 '.

cmdDelEntriesID = 56

Removes all entries from the defined WorkgroupID. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: WorkgroupID.

The index is updated at each deletion.

cmdIndexGlos = 58

Remotely launches glossary reindexing. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: Name of the glossary

Indexing is performed in the background. During this period, the glossary is not accessible. WfServer sends back "000" to users' queries. The error message is msgGlossaryLocked, sent to users during the time of indexing.

cmdPurgeTM = 59

Execution of a background task on the entire TM. ~ Restricted to Administrators


1. Name of the TM on which the operation will be run, followed by a space " ";
2.1 "G" Operation on GroupIDs
- "D" Delete
- "E" Exports to a file with the name of the TM and the session number
59, XX2XX GDE * EN* FR*
59, XX2XX GDE & EN* FR*
59, XX2XX GDE wkg1 wkg2 wkg3 wkg4 wkg5 ...
'G' = WorkGroupID
'D' = Delete
'E' = Export
"*" = all TUs (public and private)
"&" = only private TUs
"" = only public TUs
2.2. "U" Operation on an individual user
- "D" Delete
- "E" Exports to a file with the name of the TM and the session number
59, XX2XX UDE wkg1 EN FR #%nom%#
2.3. "A" Add TM
- "TMFileName.txt": file name of the TM to be added
Three possible function, "G" = WorkGroupIds, "U" = Users, "A" = Add a TM. Additional parameters depend on the selected function. "DE" for "G" or "U", and a file name for "A". The server returns a session number so that you can follow its execution in the background.

cmdPurgeGlo = 60

Running a background task throughout the glossary. ~ Restricted to Administrators


1. Name of the glossary on which the operation will be run, followed by a space " ";
2.1. "G" Operation on WorkGroupIDs
- "D" Delete
- "E" Exports to a file with the name of the TM and the session number
60, XX2XX GDE * EN* FR*
60, XX2XX GDE & EN* FR*
60, XX2XX GDE wkg1 wkg2 wkg3 wkg4 wkg5 ...
'G' = WorkGroupID
'D' = Delete
'E' = Export
"*" = All Entries (public or private)
"&" = only private entriesseules
"" = only public entries
2.2. "U" Operation on an individual user
- "D" Delete
- "E" Exports to a file with the name of the glossary and the session number
59, XX2XX UDE wkg1 EN FR #%nom%#
2.3. A" Adding a Glossary
- "GloFileName.txt " file name of the glossary to be added
Three possible functions, "G" = WorkGroupIds, "U" = Users, "A" = Add a glossary. Additional parameters depend on the selected function. "DE" for "G" or "U", and a file name for "A". The server returns a session number so that you can follow its execution in the background.

cmdGetParamSession = 61

Retrieves one or more parameters of a specific or global session. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: parameters are separated with a Tab character (# 9)

1: Session number
2: Parameters as defined in the command cmdGetParam
WfServer searches the session given by the number. If this session exists, the following parameters are retrieved from the session.

cmdConfirmation = 63

Sends the confirmation code. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameter: Confirmation code on 10 alphanumeric characters.


This command is not sent alone, it's a confirmation of an order previously sent to the server. At the end of the previous command, WfServer sends the customer a confirmation string (10 alphanumeric characters) to be returned by the client application.

cmdShutdown = 64

Request a VLTM server shutdown. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: None.

WfServer sends the user a confirmation string (10 random alphanumeric characters) before executing the command. The distant user will have to return this confirmation string before the maximum time of the execution of a command.

cmdRestart = 65

Request a restart of the VLTM server. ~ Restricted to Administrators

Parameters: None.

WfServer sends the user a confirmation string (10 random alphanumeric characters) before executing the command. The distant user will have to return this confirmation string before the maximum time of the execution of a command.

cmdSearchContextExt = 66

Lucene-compatible filtered search ~ No restriction.


     Three lines, each separated by \ r (# 13) or tab (# 9)
1- The first line consists of parameters associated with values, separated by ";".
- Search options:
"CaseSensitive", "0", "1" default = 0 "MatchWholeWords", "0", "1" default = 0 "PageOffset", "0".."32767" default = 0 "PageLength", "0".."32767" default = 50 "IndexUsed" "[0,1,2]" default = 0
- Filter conditions:
"OnlyPublicTus", "0", "1" défaut = 0 "CreationDate", "20080403~163538" "CreationUser", "Foobar" "Workgroup", "1234567890" (10 caracters) "Attr1", "Attr2", "Attr3", "Attr4" character string "Occur", "0".."2147483647" "Source", character string "Target", character string
- Operators :
"=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "<>", "Э", "Є", "!=", "!<", "!>", "!Э", "!Є"
- Example :
2- The second and third lines respectively contain the source and target queries, even if they are empty. The query consists of keywords (or groups of keywords) surrounded by wildcards (+) (-), (*), which refine the search. A group of keywords is framed in quotation marks "". The symbols (+), (-) in front of a keyword (or group) indicate that the keyword must (+) or should not (-) appear. (*) when placed at the end of keyword this symbol indicates that all the terms with identical root accepted.
+token  -token* +"segment token" -"segment* token*"

The results are ranked in order of relevance, most relevant first.

Appendix 2: TM maintenance

A Wordfast Server TM is a simple text file. We recommend using Unicode Text.
Notepad can be used to perform global search-replace operations, or manually edit a TM.

Practical example: Removing Workgroups IDs (WKIDs) from a TM.

In WFS, click the "TM" tab. Click the TM's name. Note, or copy-paste, the TM's name as it appears at the bottom of the dialog box.

Close Wordfast Server. Otherwise, the TM file will be locked.

Locate that TM with Windows Explorer. (Fast access: you can click in Windows Explorer's navigation bar, and paste the TM's path and name). Right-click the TM in Windows Explorer, use "Open with...", open it using NotePad.

In a TM opened in Notepad, WKIDs are located after the target segment, after a tabulator. WKIDs start with an exclamation mark, followed by 10 characters.
Example (the WKID is in red):
20211231~163021   YC   0   EN-US   Source segment.   FR-FR   Segment cible.   !8uiz45lmpv

When Notepad has finished the replacement operation, inspect the TM for any remaining WKID
To do so, select a tabulator in Notepad (it's a longish space that separates, for example, a language code from a segment).

When all WKIDs have been deleted, close Notepad, saving the TM file.

Re-start Wordfast Server.
If Wordfast Server does not automatically reorganize the file, use the TMs tab, click the TM, then click the "Reorganize" button.

In your client application, like Wordfast Pro or Wordfast Classic, delete the WKID from the "Remote TM" setup, then apply and close.

Appendix 3: Troubleshooting

It is assumed you have basic IT knowledge of TCP-IP, IP addresses (local/LAN or wide-area/WAN), ports, firewalls, and the client-server architecture in general.

Troubleshooting a client-server architecture requires access to two machines:

First things first: Make sure there is TCP-IP communication between client and server:

1. Use a client that is supposedly connected to WFS, click the "Test" button in that client's "Remote TM" setup, and/or translate & commit one segment. The purpose is to observe activity between client and server.
2. In WFS, click the "Activity" pane. The Server active checkbox should be checked. If it's not, check it and start again from step 1.

If the "Activity" pane shows signs of activity from the client, skip the whole point below.

There is no TCP-IP communication between client and WFS:

If anything is echoed in the Activity tab, plenty of information should be available there:

Problems that are specific to the client application.
  1. WF Pro: Open a project, then in "Project TM" > "Connect to a remote TM" > "WF Server" (the middle tab), change the status of the "Encrypted" checkbox at the bottom of the dialog box, and try again. Note that all communications are encrypted anyway, whatever the status of that checkbox is. That checkbox is only for backward compatibility with older protocols.
    In that same dialog box, did you set a remote TM password? You should not have any, in Wf Pro and in Wf Server. Remove those passwords in Wordfast Pro and in WFS (in WFS, that's under the TMs tab).
    The password that actually protects access is set in WFS, in the Accounts tab, not in the TMs tab. TM passwords are used only by other, sophisticated applications, on certain conditions.
  2. PlusTools: Make sure that under Accounts, the "Accept raw calls" checkbox is checked; under Setup > Network, the proper protocol (preferably HTTP, or HTTPS if really needed) and port are checked.
  3. All clients: Do you use Workgroup IDs (WKIDs)?
    If so, proceed to the "Remote TM" section of the setup. Note that the dialog box has three sub-sections. Yours is "Wordfast Server" (the middle tab).
  4. WKIDs are a complex setup that allows different client applications (different translators, or groups of translators) to write and read different Translation Units (TUs) in the same TM. A WKID is like a password protecting TUs: only people equipped with that password can read/write those TUs. If you use WKIDs, make sure, client-side, that they have not changed, or been removed, over time (in which case, parts of the TM would be hidden after the accidental change). If a WKID is shared with the translator, and the translator re-types the WKID in her/his WF setup, they may have typed one character wrongly. See the previous appendix on TM maintenance to correct WKID issues, or delete them all, directly in a TM.

    Bottom line: only use WKIDs if

    If you need different TMs for different translators, it's a lot simpler to create different TMs and accounts.

Contacting the hotline.

To save time and multiple emails, first run the steps described above, and try to correct things. If the above steps have been successfully executed, but fail to solve the issue, please provide the following 4 screenshots when contacting the hotline:

  1. Client application: a screenshot of how the dilog box where the remote TM is set up.
  2. In WFS: the Activity tab (shot right after clicking the "Test" button in the client application);
  3. In WFS: the Accounts tab;
  4. In WFS: the TMs tab.

Obfuscate or fuzzy up any information you deem sensitive (IP addresses, passwords).

Appendix 4: Sample code for the Wordfast Server HTTP mode API

Here is an open-source Visual Studio project that demonstrates use of the API: https://www.wordfast.net/WFS/WFSAPIdemo.zip

The code is in Visual Basic, intended for software developers. Note that Visual Studio's modern VB is pretty similar to C - it's not the 1980's BASIC anymore.

If you do not have Visual Studio installed, unzip the file and look at the form1.vb file: it contains code, which is easy to understand for all developers, and that illustrates how to code your application that uses the Wordfast Server API in HTTP mode.

The full Wordfast Server API reference is in this document.

Setting up Wordfast Server to use the HTTP mode is in the PlusTools manual below: www.wordfast.net/WFS/PlusTools_manual.html#WFStm

Coders: Wordfast Server runs full-featured with up to three connections. Disregard the flashing red  Demo mode  banner: the demo mode restriction only begins at the fourth (4th) connection.

PlusTools is written in Visual Studio VB, and uses code similar to the demo API above.<:p>


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